The new year did not start out well. I returned to school after winter break with high expectations. I was hoping the second semester of senior year would be much better than the first. Oh, was I wrong. As I began to prepare for my dreaded midterms, I began to feel overwhelmed with fatigue, at just the mere thought of studying. The more I thought about studying, the worse I felt. The Saturday before midterms, I started with a cough, and by Sunday, all I wanted to do was sleep. To make matters worse my lower back was achy and my throat felt like I was swallowing razorblades. I slept all day Sunday, and my dad struggled to wake me up to continue studying. Shortly after getting up, I would doze off again. It was as if a bus had run me over.
Monday, January 14, I made a noble attempt to go to school to review for midterms. Unfortunately, I slept through all my classes including lunch - which is highly unlike me. I left that day feeling even worse; however, that did not stop me from trying to study. That evening, both my father and tutor were telling me there was no way I would be attending school the next day. After returning from my tutoring session I hit the wall, and even I had to admit that I was not healthy enough to take my per-calculus exam scheduled the next day.
Instead, I laid helpless on the couch for the next three days. These three days consisted of sleeping, eating nothing, and trying to find energy to drink. Finally, on Thursday I went to see my doctor and I received the terrible news that I had the flu and it was too late to get the medication for it. I also could not take any midterm exams that Friday or Saturday and was now looking at "hell week". In addition to a full class schedule, I would now have to make up all my midterms. Just my luck!
I tried desperately to feel better and get my energy back so I could study and get all my midterms made up. Playing catch-up was exhausting and I looked forward to the day I finished my exams and was back on track. Well, once again, my plan did not work out accordingly. I completed three midterms, while I continued to lose energy. My dad realized something was still not right. He scheduled another appointment. My complete lack of energy and failure to bounce back had him very worried. At this follow up appointment, my doctor was concerned that my symptoms mimicked those of mono and/or pneumonia so she ordered a blood test. As my luck continued, I was diagnosed with mono and was delayed another week. Two more midterms were hanging over my head as well as a ton of class work. Oh, what a great January.
My bad luck was not done yet. As I was on my way to school to study for my economics exam on Tuesday, my car sputtered and died at an intersection near school. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, to say the least. Mr. Carney was kind enough to stop and help push my car off to the shoulder. This kindness was very much needed to keep me calm as we crossed two lanes. As Spartans zoomed by, I became increasing steamed. Luckily my dad had off from work and met me. Later that day, I found out that it could not be fixed for less than it was worth. I was especially annoyed because it took me the entire summer before junior year to find and purchase this car, and I do not want to go through that again. Oh what a great start to the year 2013.
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