Friday, January 4, 2013


      Why do I always seem to procrastinate in doing assignments for school or simple tasks my dad asks me to do around the house? Every time I have a big project to do or just homework to do over the weekend or just vacuuming for my dad, I always seem to wait till the last moment to do it. And every time I end up procrastinating, I always regret it, but I still do it. I do not understand it because every time I get too stressed out because I decided to take too long to do my assignments and they end up being very long and I never have the right amount of time to finish. Even with these blogs I procrastinated doing them. I would think about doing them but then would say to myself, "I have enough time to finish these blogs, I don't need to worry about them." Look at me now...waiting till the last night to finish my blogs. If I did them two or three weeks ago I would be able to be doing something else like playing video games or hanging out with my friends or watching TV. I guess the main reason why I do this is because I want to do play video games or hang out with my friends before doing my homework because that is obviously more fun. In doing this, it only puts pressure on myself and sometimes shows in the results of the assignment.
      In the past few weeks, all you heard on the news was how the government was going over the fiscal cliff. Our law makers were procrastinating for over a year. Due to their actions and their last minute solution, they only put off spending cuts and the debt ceiling for a few more months. What will they do in that amount of time? Will they actually do something to fix the problem or will they go and procrastinate some more? Are they acting like servants to the people who elected them or are they servants to their own egos? Their procrastination doesn't just effect themselves but it also effects the whole nation. Stock prices have gone down because of tax and spending fears. How is this helping or economy recover? In my personal opinion, I believe that they should stop their procrastination and find a solution that helps the country become a leader in the world economy.

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