Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Back to School

Going back to school after winter break, you guessed it, sucks! And not just winter break but going back to school after any long period of time. Everyone was use to going to bed late at night and waking up late in the day to do the same thing over again the next day. We all know as soon as Christmas ends and we are getting ready for the New Year, school is right around the corner, but we don't want to think about it. We might hope that there is a crazy snow storm right before break is over to delay the dreaded day we must return to school. Or we just try and forget that the day is just around the corner, but that just makes it come even faster. On our last day we try and make it count and make it last, but at the end of the day, we have to try and get back into the grove and get ready for school the next day. What really makes going back to school so hard is that it's only for a few days. Why must we go back to school for three days and then have another short little break from school again? This doesn't help us get into the grove again. It just simply gets us right back to where we were before we went back to school. This seems like an endless cycle that we know will happen, but we always try and find a way to brake it and delay our return to the real world in which we would like to take a break from.

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