Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Best Friend

     In your life, you have that one person who you consider to be your best friend. They will always be there for you no matter what and will always help you get through tough times. My best friend would have to be my sister, Katie. When we were little I have to admit that we were like any normal brother and sister. We would never get a log and we would always get into fights over everything. That has all changed. Ever since my mom passed away five years ago, my sister and I have grown closer and closer every day. No matter what, I know that she will always be there for me when I need her the most, and I will always be there for her. These past five years without my mother have been very hard. I miss her very much and I wish that she was here with us everyday. If it wasn't for my sister, I don't know what or how I would have made it through these past five years. Almost every time I had a problem or just wanted someone to talk to, I would go to my mom. No matter what I was going through or whatever I needed help with, my mom always had the right answer. She always found a way to makes us all feel better. That's what I get from my sister now. Whenever I need someone to talk to just to vent or if I wanted to tell them how my day went, I always go to my sister first. She is so important to me and everything I do. I would be lost without her. She helps me get through everything, and with her kindness and how loving she is, I see my mom. I will always be grateful for having such a great sister to help me. She will always be my closest and best friend no matter what.

Senior Assassin

         So every year at St. Marks, there is a thing called Senior Assassin. What we do is whoever wants to play will pay five dollars to get in the game. Then after a short period of time you will find out who you have to "assassinate" and the last man/woman standing wins all the money that was put in. My plan was to get as far as I could and get as many people as I could and try to win all the money. To my disappointment, however, that didn't happen. It all started this past Tuesday during school. I put my money in the last day you were aloud to enter. My friends and I had it all planed out how we were going to try and be the last guys alive. Later that day I found out who my target was and I was already planning on how to get him. I also found out who had me and I heard that she was going to try and get me as soon as possible. I wasn't really worried at the time because I thought to myself, "If I know who it is, I can just stay as far away from them as possible". Boy was I wrong to underestimate her!
         That night my friends and I planned to go to the movies, not worrying about people trying to get us because it was the first night. That was our first mistake. Near the end of the movie, one of our friends left early and told us that there was a St. Marks car circling around the parking lot and they wouldn't leave. So we had John pull his car up to the exit and we jumped into his car and drove off. That's when we all started to get paranoid. A little later we decided to go out to get something to eat on main street. We saw two St. Marks students walk in and act very suspicious, so even before finishing our food, we ran out. On our way home, my sister started to "interrogate" me, asking me where I was and when I was getting home. I started to wonder if she was helping my assassin out. Low and behold, as soon as I get home, my assassin jumps out of nowhere and gets me! The worst part about the whole thing was that my sister let them stay at my house for three hours until I got home. So now all I can do is help my friends win and make sure I get revenge on the people who got me out.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Someone to Look up to

      In everyone's life, they have that one person who they admire and look up to. Someone who you always listen to and respect and learn important lessons from. This person could be a parent, grandparent, teacher, or even a friend. You could always trust and believe that they would always be there for you no matter what. The person who I looked up to was my grandfather. Ever since I was a little kid listening to his stories about when he was a kid and when he was in the Navy, I knew that he was a very important person in my life and I wanted to be just like him. My grandfather was a great man and he taught me so much. Every time I would talk to him, I would learn something new. He taught me the importance of family and friends as well as an education. He put his wife and family before everything. His dedication and love towards his wife and three children throughout his life was amazing, especially during the time he raised them. I admired this very much. My grandfather was a man of his word. When he said something to you, he meant it. He would tell you what was on his mind and would always tell you the truth. Most of the time he was a stubborn man and would want to do everything on his own without anyone's help. With all of that, he truly was a great man and I will always remember him and try and live like he did.

      After reading this, I would like to know who you look up to? What makes you look up to someone and make them important in your life?